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This morning I had one of my good customers Wayne and crew. It started off slow but ended red hott. We found a school of big citation red drum and hooked up with 3. We pulled a fish off but remained hooked up with 2. Both fish were on trout rods and Ms. Kim landed her fish first measuring 33″. We ended up fighting Wayne’s fish for an hour before finally landing it. This fish measured in at 48″. This afternoon I had Timmy the captain of the Stream Weaver and his family. We landed in a school of drum all most instantly. When the smoked cleared Timmy his wife and his girls landed 7 citation red drum. It was so awesome to watch these girls land these big ole red drum. After we went and caught a limit of clams and hung around on the islands. Fishing is really good right now with puppy drum, trout, and citation drum around. Call to book your trip (252)-305-7755.