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..Just because we faced serious restrictions in the 2016 season. Don’t think that it is OVER.As we speak right now NOAA & SAFMC are hard at work getting their ducks in a row to have a TOTAL SHUT DOWN of the Cobia next year under the pretenses of a “SPAWNING CLOSURE”…..this would in essence be the END of Cobia fishing…with the only option being Catch & Release which is insane and will create serious hardships for NC recreational anglers, fisherman, and communities, and don’t think that it can not happen because  SC has already got it.

  There is a meeting taking place in Coco Beach,Fla, on June 13 thru the 17th concerning this issue.

 We are right now as we speak putting together a way to direct funds to a location to be used to send Billy Gorham to the meetings to represent us all.Billy is by far other than Jonathan French…more knowledgable than anyone on this topic and would do us all an excellent job.We are asking that everyone donate what you can…$100 bucks is a good round figure and if you can not afford that well donate whatever you can. Some have already pledged as much as $500 towards the cause.

  With all this being said I or some else will keep you all abreast of this situation.TIME IS OF ESSENCE here and to let these councils have this meeting without someone there to keep an eye on them is a recipe for sure disaster for our upcoming season.DEPEND ON THAT…look what they have already done since Febuary of this year.WE MUST FIGHT THE FIGHT AND IF WE GO DOWN WELL BY GOD WE WILL GO DOWN SWINGING.Tell all your friends to be watching fore we have to get this done NOW.