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The last two days myself, Brant Hines, and Keith Currence have been fishing the 1st annual Oceans East Cobia tournament. First I have to say thank you for such a nice tournament. We had pretty weather the last two days and Had a great time fishing. Day 1 we fished hard all day had some opportunities but landed one 54 pound fish that put us about middle of the road. Day 2 I fished at home were I knew the fishing grounds and had some luck. The day was filled with ups and downs but it all came together. In the morning we landed a 71 pound fish that I decided to take as our first fish of the day. Shortly after I released a marginal fish Around the 65 pound range that was very hard to do. For about an hour I regretted that decision. We hooked a pig around 1 pm that took us down to 10 wraps of braid on the spool. Keith fought this fish for a while and we had made our minds up we were definitely killing that fish but he spit the hook during the fight. After this event the crew was dragging because we lost a really nice fish. About 2:30 pm we boated our last fish of the day weighing in at 73 pounds. The tournament was a load of fun and filled with some ups and downs. The crew worked really good together and we got lucky. Thanks to all involved and we were just flat out lucky. Congratulations to all the other boats on the leaderboard and Rock Solid for taking it home. Call me to go fishing (252)-305-7755.