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The report for the last two days. Wednesday afternoon I spent a little time trout fishing then focused on the blues. We finished off scrapping out 10 blues casting and the boys did an amazing job. These boys you can tell spend lots of time doing circles around the pond and casting. Thursday I did something that I haven’t done in a long time. I spent most of the day trout fishing and I think we are going to have a good summer of trout fishing. After last year it is really exciting to see all these trout. On both trips we landed about 8 trout and some kicker blues, sea mullets, and a spot. We also probably threw back 2-3 more fish than we kept. Also this afternoon I did some puppy drum fishing where we had terrible luck. We went 0-4 which is like unheard of but we successfully did it. Lots of fun had on both trips and we enjoyed the day regardless of how hard the southwest wind blew. Let’s go fishing (252)-305-7755.